Sunday, May 15, 2011

Softball Staff's Decision Making Saves a Life

May 14, 2011

University of Michigan director of athletics Dave Brandon will regularly offer his view on different topics related to U-M and intercollegiate sports. All of his posts, along with links to related content, will be available on his page,, and he is also on Twitter at @DaveBrandonAD.

Competitive sports are not life and death, but the lessons learned sure can translate to everyday life, and in some cases saving one's life.

On Wednesday, April 27, at our Wilpon Softball Complex,

quick thinking, training and the resolve to win paid off big time. Not on the field but in the team lounge as the Wolverine softball coaches literally saved the life of a recruit's father.

The softball team had just finished their practice session on the field and Carol Hutchins, Bonnie Tholl and Jennifer Brundage were sitting down with a recruit and her father, watching a highlight video of Michigan softball. At the conclusion of the video, the father's head tilted back and Hutch thought he was looking up at the lights.

They called out the father's name. He was unresponsive, his eyes were open. That's when the 'team' went into action.

Tholl immediately c

alled 911

, while Hutchins and Brundage tried to lay the father down flat. Once he was on the floor, Hutch immediately

gave him CPR, starting with two short mouth-to-mouth breaths.

Jennifer quickly

went to get the automated external defibrillator (AED) located at the front door, while Hutch was working on the compression portion of the CPR. Once the AED was brought over, Hutc

h opened the man's shirt and the defibrillator pads were placed on his chest.

Brundage yelled at Hutch to get her hands off the father. The AED must first analyze the situation and any outside influence would not allow the rescue equipment to do its job.

Once the AED analyzed the individual, the AED read 'Shock Advised.' They are words that our softball coaches will never forget.

All three coaches looked at the AED to make sure what they read was what they needed to do. At that point, they applied the shock.

According to Jennifer, he didn't bounce, the shock made him jump.

"I don't think any description about the bounce effect does it justice until you see it," said Brundage.

While all this was happening, the softball freshmen were in the locker room, talking and calming the recruit, while the emergency took place in the team lounge. All this happened in minutes, maybe seconds. The ambulance arrived and the recruit's father was rushed to the University of Michigan Hospital.

Our coaching staff jumped into action having taken training courses on CPR and the proper use of an AED.

While CPR might look easy and the AED can be easily used, it was the practice and training they received that gave our coaches the confidence they needed to save someone's life.

Fortunately, this is a story with happy ending. The father survived and the Michigan softball coaching staff is credited with the biggest save of their careers. They saved a man's life.

Training, practice and the resolve of this staff to save the recruit's father made these few minutes more important than any sporting event could ever be. Our coaching staff of Hutch, Bonnie and Jennifer did not just make our athletic department team proud, they made us realize we have true heroes in our midst.

This wasn't just a game; it was truly a matter of life and death. This time they beat death. That is a big time victory.

Congratulations to our softball staff and team, we are so proud of all of you.

Go Blue!

Friday, May 13, 2011

ORV Ride and Business After Hours

ORV Ride and Business After Hours
The Indian River Chamber of Commerce Ambassador’s, would like to invite you to an organized ORV ride and Business After Hours (BAH), this Saturday, May 14th, at the Black Mountain Lodge

Bring your ATV, motorcycle or ORV and enjoy the trails surrounding the Black Mountain Lodge at 1pm (or rent one from IRSC; please call ahead for rental information: 231.333.3600)  IRSC will also have sport utility vehicles on site for test driving.

A special lunch menu will be available at the Black Mountain Lodge!!
You do not have to participate in the ORV ride to attend the BAH, you may join us for wonderful tastings from the Black Mountain Lodge from 3pm to 5pm.

BAH is $5 per member and $10 per not yet member.  (There is no additional charge to participate in the ride)
Please RSVP with the Chamber 238-9325 or reply to this email with your info.

Friday, May 06, 2011

This should help sell waterfront property

If you have followed the Asian Carp dilema, you know that the Great Lakes states - Michigan in particular - are trying to convince the federal government to take action in preventing the infiltration of these fish into the Great Lakes waters. While it is logical to most people that allowing an apex predator into the ecological system of these magnificent water bodies is not a great idea, the White House and US Federal Appeals Court don't seem to worried. After all, there are only 4 different types that area a threat to the Great Lakes (yes, not 1 but 4).

Last week, a report to the Great Lakes Commission confirmed that the food supply for the species is even better than originally believed. But it is all great...the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is studying the issue and the report is expected to be complete in 2015. You have to be @^$#%$# kidding me.

Oh well, I guess rather than sport fishing and boating on the Great Lakes and all of the inland lakes fed by direct tributaries , we will just try fishing this way...

Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox is doing his best and you can help by clicking here.